Thursday, April 28, 2011

TheVistaofLiberty: Cutting back on education

TheVistaofLiberty: Cutting back on education: "I was registering for pre calculus at the college, and a science major was voicing her dismay regarding the budget cuts to education affecti..."

Cutting back on education

I was registering for pre calculus at the college, and a science major was voicing her dismay regarding the budget cuts to education affecting her advancement. The woman sitting behind the computer seemed annoyed at the conversation between the girl and I. As soon as the science major left, the worker said, "she should be grateful the state is paying for her education, at all."

The state pays for rehabilitation without question, yet people in America assume educating a potential scientist is a priveledge?

What do we prioritize in America, welfare or brains? A poor science major has potential which should not be regarded as a luxury. The federal government prioritizes the frivolties of mismanaged corporations with bailouts which invest in a new Mercedes. Yet, giving a bright young student a chance in life is something she is fortunate to possess. Let us never question the priveledged nor their affect on delaying a college students graduation.

The moral of this story is that even though class does not exist in nature, it matters more than a genetic predospisition to science in the United States. And in America, only the elite deserve an education.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

TheVistaofLiberty: Three Reasons Ben Bernanke is a bad economist

TheVistaofLiberty: Three Reasons Ben Bernanke is a bad economist: "Ben Bernanke is a quiet, well mannered liberal academic. By standard understanding, he should have the foresight to understand the real valu..."

Three Reasons Ben Bernanke is a bad economist

Ben Bernanke is a quiet, well mannered liberal academic. By standard understanding, he should have the foresight to understand the real value of $700 billion. The problem with Ben Bernanke's thought process is the real world application. In theory, investing in GM is investing in the economy. In reality, GM is a mismanaged corporation, and, thus, a Mal Investment.
 What does Ben Bernanke lack in economic undertstanding:

1. Living in economic la-la land

Economic la-la land has established itself firmly in academia in the last 150 years.
There are really only two fundamental schools of economic thought: utopian and real world economics.

Utopian economics concludes that you can have your cake and eat it too and creates information backing this day dream. Here are the characteristics of Utopian economics:

-Money makes the world a better place.
-Anything is possible if you believe
- Social happiness is created by money
-Bad debt doesn't exist
-The bigger, the better
-Everybody that's nice or rich is trustworthy

Hard truth:

-Money can't change human nature. In this world, you're stuck dealing with trade and human nature. There aren't any alternatives.
-Crazy people believe they can fly, and jump off a building. Sorry, but you aren't just limited by disbelief, there are physical limitations. Resources aren't unlimited.
-Money can't buy happiness, or any other emotion. Money is a neccessity. Period.
-Any debt is good debt right? Try telling that to credit agencies.
-The bigger your credit card bill, the better? I think not.
-Everybody whose nice is trustworthy doesn't explain passive aggressive personality, and everybody whose rich is trustworthy doesn't explain Ponzi Schemes. Venus fly traps are sweet and well fed.

Are utopian economists selling plots of land in heaven? Does it matter? We're living on earth, and on the soil there is another set of rules. The law of the jungle.

2. Money wizards aren't economists

Money wizard sounds impressive. Making quarters appear in your palms appeals to the inner child within us all. It's all smoke and mirrors, like every trick Houdini performed and every prediction Sylvia Browne ever made. Money wizards perceive money as coming out of the sky on a cloudy day, and never question real value. Wizards think money is absolute value, meaning a $500 debt is the same as a $500 bill. In mathematics, the absolute value of -500 is 500. Economic logic is less complex, a $500 debt is still a $500 debt.

Who doesn't want to create money with the power of thought? Self-help finance videos sell millions on this delusion. Money is generated by your attitude. The money guru on the video explains how he made millions, but fails to reveal his aptitude. He made millions off smooth talk, charm. Does that make him a financial expert? No.

The truth is success doesn't take a fundamental understanding of money. If that were true, Danny Bonaducci is an economist. How do famous people end up in bankrupcy court?

True economists are Warriors. They are shrewd, hard nosed, and careful. This describes Warren Buffet. This investor dines out at Skippers with $60 billion. Why doesn't Warren Buffet eat at a fancy seafood restaraunt? The cost is more real than his marginal utility. The principle is "why should I pay $200 more for a reservation, and the fear of boredom?" Warren Buffet has endless money, yet refuses to get taken for a ride over food.

Let's compare Ben Bernanke's suit to Warren Buffets suit. Ben Bernanke wears tailored silk suits. Whereas, Warren Buffet is satisfied with the traditional blue blazer and cotton shirts. Warren isn't paying to impress anybody. Shrewd? You bet.

The Warrior is known for weighing the principle of the matter, and not the social impression. Money engineers and social engineers are different personality species of the human species.You can't be effective at everything.

Money wizards feel like economic geniuses because people throw money at their optimism, but they are merely collecting, this is not an understanding of the value.

3. No free thought

Economists aren't "go with the flow" personalities. There is a reason economics is called "the dismal science". It's the nature of the beast. Economist are paid to ruin the party before the economic bubble starts growing. The purpose of free thought is breaking away from herd mentality and examining the big picture. And you thought free thinkers were just being difficult.

Effective economists do not recognize all information as good information. Information is corrupted by motive, and bias. A statistics class or a critical thinking class teaches us this, but some people never absorb that knowledge. Appeal to authority is deeply ingrained in their psyche, and the shield is erected at the first sign of question.

Not everyone is Socrates.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

TheVistaofLiberty: The Government Sting

TheVistaofLiberty: The Government Sting: "Today, I was told an old parable Once there was a scorpion that asked a frog if he'd assist him across the river. The frog asked, 'how will..."

The Government Sting

Today, I was told an old parable

Once there was a scorpion that asked a frog if he'd assist him across the river. The frog asked, "how will I know you won't sting me?"
The scorpion replied, "well, if I sting you while we're crossing the river, then we'll both drown."
The frog said, "That sounds about right. Go ahead. Get on my back."
The frog took the scorpion to the other side of the river, and the scorpion stung him.
The frog looked up at the scopion, dying, and asked, "What did you do that for?"
The Scorpion replied, "It's in my nature. I'm a scorpion."

People wonder why free enterprise has been demolished by politicians who fail to honor the constitution. Are we the only society which is stung by political forces?

Let's weigh the costs and benefits of government

Costs: the restriction of free enterprise, regulations, fees, taxes, competition, the loss of privacy, close control (of nonviolent citizens), the division of the family unit, inexpensive "high risk" loans offered that compete with capitalism, lobbyists, planned economy, decreased general prosperity, public property, public entities, increasing imprisonment of non violent offenders (such as Martha Stewart), competing with entrepreneurs, and liberty.

Benefits: Some inexpensive benefits (at the cost of taxpayers), Protection from foreign nations, and the enforcement of violent offenses.

Egypt assembled neighborhood watches without government and the system is more effective. Governments continually create their own necessity, and discard their usefulness to enslave. The past history reflects the truth. Ancient Egypt, Sumaria, Rome, and Greece enslaved their people.

No government has an incentive to allow the people to prosper through their own ventures. A stronger incentive exists to enslave the citizens and take everything. Russia, China, India, Korea, and Cuba. Name a Marxist country across the globe, and their government has seized the economy, and turned the citizens into slaves. The purpose of class is the birthright of slavery, and the birthright of masters.

The people made capitalism great, the people developed technology, and revolutionized business. Government takes the credit. The masses are capable of anything they set their minds to.

Don't be a frog. Americans are giving politicians a free ride, it isn't the other way around.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

TheVistaofLiberty: Why is the Constitution Ignored?

TheVistaofLiberty: Why is the Constitution Ignored?: "Many people claim the Constitution failed, however, it was merely a contract with the people. The Bill of Rights did not fail, it was d..."

Why is the Constitution Ignored?

Many people claim the Constitution failed, however, it was merely a contract with the people. The Bill of Rights did not fail, it was dishonored.

The truth behind the inapplication of the the constitution can also be compared to contract law, since it was a formal agreement made to the people. The obligors (elected officials) agreed to take public office in exchange for limitations of power. The obligees (the people) are responsible to insure that the obligor honors the contract.

Impeachment is the process of holding an elected official responsible for dishonoring the constitution.

If a contract is dishonored, and the obligee doesn't hold obligors accountable, no disincentives exist to honor a contract.