Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Government Sting

Today, I was told an old parable

Once there was a scorpion that asked a frog if he'd assist him across the river. The frog asked, "how will I know you won't sting me?"
The scorpion replied, "well, if I sting you while we're crossing the river, then we'll both drown."
The frog said, "That sounds about right. Go ahead. Get on my back."
The frog took the scorpion to the other side of the river, and the scorpion stung him.
The frog looked up at the scopion, dying, and asked, "What did you do that for?"
The Scorpion replied, "It's in my nature. I'm a scorpion."

People wonder why free enterprise has been demolished by politicians who fail to honor the constitution. Are we the only society which is stung by political forces?

Let's weigh the costs and benefits of government

Costs: the restriction of free enterprise, regulations, fees, taxes, competition, the loss of privacy, close control (of nonviolent citizens), the division of the family unit, inexpensive "high risk" loans offered that compete with capitalism, lobbyists, planned economy, decreased general prosperity, public property, public entities, increasing imprisonment of non violent offenders (such as Martha Stewart), competing with entrepreneurs, and liberty.

Benefits: Some inexpensive benefits (at the cost of taxpayers), Protection from foreign nations, and the enforcement of violent offenses.

Egypt assembled neighborhood watches without government and the system is more effective. Governments continually create their own necessity, and discard their usefulness to enslave. The past history reflects the truth. Ancient Egypt, Sumaria, Rome, and Greece enslaved their people.

No government has an incentive to allow the people to prosper through their own ventures. A stronger incentive exists to enslave the citizens and take everything. Russia, China, India, Korea, and Cuba. Name a Marxist country across the globe, and their government has seized the economy, and turned the citizens into slaves. The purpose of class is the birthright of slavery, and the birthright of masters.

The people made capitalism great, the people developed technology, and revolutionized business. Government takes the credit. The masses are capable of anything they set their minds to.

Don't be a frog. Americans are giving politicians a free ride, it isn't the other way around.

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